Wood processing

The wood industry is among the most dynamically developing markets
in the world, that’s why automated loading is the best solution for effectiveness at work.
The major wood product categories are sawn timber, wood-based panels, woodchips, paper, and paper products and miscellaneous others including poles and railway sleepers.
During the last several decades, forest product processing technologies have undergone extraordinary advances in some of the above categories.

Container loading in woodworking & forest industry

 Automated loading in the forest industry for logs, timber packages, plates, plywood and other palletless products optimizes the loading processes into trucks, trailers, or containers

Container loading in woodworking & forest industry

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Wood pellets and chip handling

Woodchip and wood pellet transshipment is becoming a challenge for every sawmill in the wood processing industry. Starting from regular belt conveyor systems for transferring product through the line and finishing with effective container tilting solutions.

Wood pellets and chip handling

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Some Portfolio

  1. OOO “SVUDS Eksport”
  2. WT Terminal
  3. Red October
  4. Egger


Reduce transportation cost

8 Practical Ways to Reduce Transportation Logistics Costs

Are you searching for a freight cost reduction case study to know an efficient way to reduce transportation logistics costs? If freight is a crucial part of your company, your company will continue to face increasing charges throughout the whole of your transport logistics. In addition to the regular fuel and machinery market price rises, suppliers face many budgetary pressures in several directions.

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Unloading containers

Unloading containers: How to improve efficiency?

Unloading containers is a basic step in the sourcing process. Despite that, not having the right practices, tools or machinery, unloading becomes a nuisance for any company. Traditional practices at warehouses focus on streamlining the picking, the packing and the loading process. However, planning the unloading process will positively impact the following ...

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